Year 1 Phonics

Autumn (Michelmas) Term 1 - PHASE 5
Week 1 - Assess and Review week
Week 2 - Review week
Week 3 - Revise - ay, ou, ie, ea
Week 4 - Revise - oy, ir, ue, aw

Week 5 - Assess and Review week

Week 6 - Revise - wh, ph, ew, oe

Autumn (Advent) Term 2 - PHASE 5

Week 1 - Revise - au, ey, a-e, e-e

Tricky Words - please, once

Week 2 - Revise - i-e, o-e, u-e, c

Tricky Words - any, many, again

Week 3 - y (ee), al (walk) - Review week

Tricky Words - who, whole

Week 4 - Review Week

Tricky Words - where, two

Week 5 - Assess and Review week

Week 6 - Assess and Review week

Spring (Epiphany) Term 3 - PHASE 5
Week 1 - Review Week
Week 2 - a (acorn), ey (they), ea (great), eigh (weight), a (father), e (he), i (find), y (by)

Week 3 - o (go), a (was), u (push), u (music), ch (school), ch (chef), ea (head)

Tricky Words - here, sugar, friend

Week 4 - or (world), ear (learn), ou (soup), ou (shoulder), ie (brief), ve (have), y (gym)

Tricky Words - because

Week 5 - Assess and Review week

Week 6 - are (care), ere (there), ear (pear), tch (catch

Spring (Lent) Term 4 - PHASE 5
Week 1 - o (brother)  - Review week
Week 2 - g (gem), ge (fringe), dge (bridge), st (listen)
Week 3 - ce (fence), se (house), gn (sign), kn (knee), wr (wrap), mb (lamb)
Week 4 - se (cheese), ze (freeze), eer (cheer), ere (here), ti (patient), ti (station)
Week 5 - Assess and Review week
Week 6 - al (half), or (caught), ssi (session), si (vision), ti (scrumptious), ci (delicious),     -ion, -ian
Summer (Easter and Trinity) Terms 5 and 6 - ALL PHASES
Review all previously taught sounds for reading and spelling.