Collective Worship


At the Infant School we meet daily for Collective Worship. This is a time to welcome God into our lives, reflect on the teachings of the Bible and how these parables influence our day to day life.

We begin by lighting a candle to welcome the God that we believe in, into our worship and this informs us that our time of worship has begun. 

We follow the Roots and Fruits Collective Worship and Spiritual and Moral development plans, which explore 12 Christian values over a 2 year programme.

The worship is enriched by the use of:

  • Quotes and questions to encourage deeper thinking about each value
  • Photographs and posters to root the teaching in the everyday experience of children
  • Stories, poems and art
  • Prayers and guided reflections from traditional and contemporary authors
  • ideas to develop the theme of the worship through the week

The school vision and values are also explored at least once per week, led by a senior leader. Children are timetabled to lead the Collective Worship, based around the vision and values, at least twice per term. Singing Worship and Celebration Worship is also timetabled in once per week. 

We also enjoy inviting visitors from St Michael's Church, Family Trust and other members of the Christian community to lead the worship.

We signal the end of the Worship by saying our school prayer, reflecting on the teachings of the day and blowing our the candle. 


Our School Prayer -


Dear Jesus, 

Bless our school, let peace live here,

Let the rooms be full of happiness,

Let love be all around,

Love of one another,

Love of all people,

and love of life and living.

Let us remember that as many hands build a house,

So many hearts make a school.


Term 1 - Michaelmas Term - 2023

Week 4 - The story of Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark | Bible Story For Kids -( Children Christian Bible Cartoon Movie ) The Bible's True Story - YouTube

Week 5 - St Michael and the Dragon

Stories of Saints for Kids! | Michael the Archangel and The Dragon (Episode 17) - YouTube

This week the infant children have been continuing the theme of being thankful. This week we went to church and celebrated Michaelmas Day and St Michael. We are very proud to belong to our school. If you would like to listen to the story with your child then please click on the link above.

Week 6 - Being Thankful even when times are difficult

Ways to Focus Your Child’s Attention Toward Thankfulness:

  • Through the Senses. Ask your child to think of things they’re appreciative of by considering what’s around them—things they can see, taste, hear, smell, or touch. Each day your “Thank You, God” prayer time could include a few of these things. You can start by saying, “Dear God—I’m thankful for my soft bed to sleep on each night, eyes that can see the sunshine, and a nose to smell the bacon cooking for breakfast.” Keep it simple and light-hearted.
  • Through Relationships. When you hear of a challenging situation going on with a friend or family member, take mental note of it. If appropriate, relay the information to your child through general terms in order to create thankfulness in their hearts for ways God provides for others. For example, say, “I know of a friend who recently lost her job. Let’s take some food to her house tonight as a way to cheer her up and help her family.”
  • Through Your Community & World. Keep yourself updated on needs going on in your community and world (for older kids). When you see a way your family might help with a community/world need, discuss ways of meeting some needs. At Christmastime there are projects such as Operation Christmas Child® to enlarge your child’s focus toward people outside his immediate circle of family and friends. But you can find ways throughout the year to reach out to others around the globe or in your city

Advent Term - Term 2

Week 1 - 30th October - 3rd November 

What makes a good friend?

Little Voices: What Makes a Good Friend? - YouTube

Week 2 - 6th - 10th November 

Jesus is with us in stormy times

Jesus Calms The Storm || Animated Bible Stories || Calming the Storm || 4K UHD - YouTube

Week 3 - Spirituality

In both Infant and Junior worship this week we have started to look at Spirituality across the school. We discussed what spirituality can look and feel like in our school – the moments when we stop and smile and feel like we are part of something special. We will be discussing this more this term but for now take a look at the video below just to remind ourselves of how beautiful our world is!


What A Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong - Lyric Video - YouTube

 Epiphany Term - Term 3

Week 3

Bible story "The Golden Rule" | Primary Year D Quarter 1 Episode 1 | Gracelink (

We have been looking at how we Respect each other and overcome challenges in our life.

Week 4

Bible Stories - The Call of Abraham - Stories of Jesus (

   Lent Term - Term 4

Week 2

The infant children have been looking at Forgiveness and why it is important to forgive and not hold a grudge. Sometimes we all need a ‘reset’ and to take a breath….us adults included!

Week 3

 The infant children looked at various bible stories of how God is guiding us through our day to day lives. This is linked to our school vision  - ‘Following God’s Guidance, Children become independent, resilient and unique individuals’

Week 4

This week the infant worship, we focussed on the story of The Lost Sheep. We looked at how the shepherd showed Perseverance (one of our school values) and also showed the values of family and friendship as God cares for all of his family, just like we do at St Michaels through our school vision.

Here is a video of The Lost Sheep to watch if you would like to with your child.

The Lost Sheep I New Testament Stories I Animated Children's Bible Stories| Holy Tales Bible Stories - YouTube

Week 5

This week the children have been looking at how Jesus fed the 5,000 and if we have faith in God then he will provide. We linked this to having faith in ourselves and to keep persevering to reach our goal, even when the task seems impossible!
Here is a video of The Lost Sheep to watch if you would like to with your child.
Jesus Feeds the 5,000 - YouTube

Week 6

   The children have been learning about The Last Supper and how Jesus was betrayed. We learnt what the word 'betrayed' meant and thought about how this could affect our day to day lives today.
The Last Supper for Kids - Luke 22: Easter Bible Story | Sharefaith Kids - YouTube

Easter Term - Term 5

 Week 4 - 8th - 13th May 2023

 During Worship last week, the infant children looked a what enables us to have a good heart and how this relates to the bible.

What Does the Bible Say About Our Heart? | Kids Lesson - YouTube

Week 5 - 15th - 19th May 2023

During Worship last week, the infant children were learning how to ‘live for one another’

Bible story "Helping Hands" | Kindergarten Year B Quarter 4 Episode 5 | Gracelink - YouTube